Sunday, 3 June 2012

Halfway There!

I've been pretty quiet for the past month, but that is because hubby and I have been super busy with renos, planting the gardens and doing some home made cooking.  I will have to share pictures of our progress a little bit later.

This past week we made a $110 payment towards our line of credit and we are finally at $6000 on the dot!  That means we have paid off half of our line of credit since November!

We are very happy and excited and we are picking up our momentum!  We should have the line of credit paid off between September and November of this year which means we only have the car loan to pay off!

As you can tell from all my exclamation marks, I am very excited!! We have done this while putting away money into savings (RRSP's, TFSA's, and regular savings) and our savings currently out weigh our debts.

The other thing is, although we have put a few planned things on to credit card, it was mostly for the cash back rewards my husband and I receive and because we planned for it, we could pay it off in the same month.

I'm giving us a HUGE pat on the back!!!