Saturday, 31 December 2011
Saving on Fuel - December Update
Our grand total was: $385.50. So we were $35.50 over our budget. We spend a whole tank of gas the day we went to cut down the tree which was close to $50 - which really account for the overage.
I am going to set the $350 goal again for January and see how it goes!
Tuesday, 13 December 2011
Good Food Box
The smallest box is $20 and you get about 20 lbs of produce. That is pretty good considering it works out to a dollar a pound. For more information about the program please visit their website.
I was very excited to get my food box, I was counting the days. When we picked it up from our local depot, everything was very fresh and nothing was spoiled or even close to going bad. I will be doing it again in January for sure!
My December good food box included:
1 head of lettuce
1 head of cabbage
2 green peppers
2 heads of broccoli
1 bunch of celery
3 bananas
Large bag of grapes
4 tomatoes
3 apples
3 oranges
1 onion
1 lemon
4 beets
2lb carrots
2 heads of garlic
5lb potatoes
Here is a picture if my December good food box:
We Got Our Christmas Tree!
In order to cut a tree, you need a permit. There are several places you can buy a permit - we bought ours in town before we left.
Saturday morning we headed out with our dogs, we have two and my parents have two - we had more dogs than people!
On the way, the zipper on my boot broke and we had to make an emergency stop at Walmart for me to get new boots. That was money I was not prepared to spend but it was necessary with all of the snow. We also we grabbed some fastfood while we were buying the boots - we really didn't need to buy that!
Once I had my boots and we got to the designated tree cutting place we were able to let the dogs out and run around in the snow.
There was tons and tons of snow and the dogs got tired quickly. We were able to find a smaller tree that was the perfect size for our living room.
I've been going with my parents to cut a tree for Christmas since I was little, its one of my favourite traditions. Now I get to take my husband and perhaps we will get to take our kids one day as well!
Tuesday, 6 December 2011
Saving on Fuel Update
They recently opened a gas bar at the Costco by our house so it was the first time we went. I have to say I love the way all cars go in one side and out the other! It's so organized and efficient.
We were at about a quarter of a tank when we filled up and it cost us $53.50.
So far this is the first fill up in December so we have spent $53.50/$350.
Next weekend we are going out to cut a Christmas tree. The place we are going is about two hours away so it will certainly cut into our gas budget.
Sunday, 4 December 2011
$5000 Extra Income Goal - Update
This week we made an extra $394!
We were lucky to sell our deep freeze this week. It has been defrosted for awhile but we hadn't put it online to sell yet. We ended up selling it this weekend on Kijiji.
I also got paid last week by my part time job - so that helped!
We are that much closer to affording winter tires so I am very excited! We had a huge snowfall this weekend and I am anxious to get them!
I am hoping to post a few more things online - we really don't have anything else as big as a deep freeze. I am also hoping to take back our bottle this week as we have grown quite the collection.
Total to date: $494/$5000
Saturday, 3 December 2011
Website to Help Saving on Gas
There are more than just gas prices on this website though. One of the neat things that I have found on this website is where you can enter your make and model of your car and the addresses of your start and destination and it will calculate how much it will cost to do that drive.
For me, it costs $7 a day for a round trip to and home from work!
There is also a log book where you can keep track of your purchases.
Overall, I think this website is pretty neat and has some great information to help you save on gas!
Friday, 2 December 2011
7 Ways We Avoid Eating Out
- The biggest help is my hubby. He gets home before me, selects something from the freezer, pops it in a pan or the microwave and by the time I get home supper is either ready or very close to being ready. This helps me because when I get home, its already done, I have no choice. I love that because I was always the queen of persuasion and usually was the one to convince hubby we should go out to grab something or sit down and relax, now I don't get that chance.
- Premake dinner from what is on sale. I like to buy lots of one thing that is on sale or is a really good deal in a bigger quantity, make it into dinners and freeze it. You are saving money twice here, once with the sale and once by not eating out! Really, if you are making lasagna - what is the difference between making one or several? I use those disposable metal take out containers for lasagnas, they can go right into the oven from the freezer. I also use freezer bags and freeze my chili and soups flat, makes it super easy to stack and store. I love the glass pyrex containers but I save them to take lunches in because they are too expensive (and I have too few) to get stuck in the freezer for months.
- Buy pre packaged kits when they are on sale - you can get some really good deals for really easy meals this way. For example, taco kits were on sale for $3.47 and they had a $6 off cheese coupon on them (when you buy the cheese and another kit). So I bought one, then I went back and got the cheese that was on sale for $5.99 for free when I purchased another taco kit for $3.47. The taco kits are in my cupboard and I used the cheese to make and freeze lasagnas.
- Precook meats. Meat always seems to take the longest of anything to cook. It's also the least fun because you can't sample it while it's cooking. I precook my chicken breasts and my ground beef. I can chop the chicken or add it to a premade meal like lasagna. I also buy the large quanitites of ground beef from Costco and I cook the whole thing, cool it and freeze it in a freezer bag. It stays crumbled when frozen so it's easy just to grab what you need (instead of a solid block of raw frozen ground beef!) and it only takes a few minutes to heat up. Tacos in half the time.
- Pick a meal plan. The thing I stress the most about meal planning is pick what works the best for your family. Our schedules change weekly, and to be honest sometimes you come home and just don't want to cook! Hubby and I just kind of talk about dinners we will have the following week as we shop. It gives us ideas but nothing is set in stone.
- Emergency Meals. One of our biggest excuses was we have to run to *insert any place here*, lets just grab something on the way. Well we now have emergency meals that really take 10 minutes or less to make and eat - fast food at home! Now the lets just grab something excuse works at home. Items on our emergency meal lists include: instant noodles, frozen dinners/lunches (store bought and home made), canned soups, granola bars, nuts, and depending on the day, sandwiches from what we have in the fridge. These emergency lunches are great for the mornings you wake up late.
- Find good excuses! We all have excuse for why we eat out - it's easy, convenient, I don't have time, I'm tired, I don't feel like cooking. (For all of these excuses, refer to tip #6!) Our excuse is our dogs. No matter what we do in a day, we have to go home and let the dogs outside to go to the bathroom! This means no matter what we need to go home. So our excuse turned from let's grab something from a fast food place, to we have to go home so we might as well just grab something there.
Thursday, 1 December 2011
Good Debt vs. Bad Debt
It's December!
Today was payday with my part time job and I earned a little more than I thought I was going to. I also managed to have some money left over from last week. Hopefully both of those things will help!
Right now my only challenges are feeling better and convincing myself not to get take out for dinner....